Unity Project

Unity is a game development interface that allows you to combine code with digital assets to create a game on any platform. For my project I chose to create a mobile game called, Dodge Block. The premise of the game is to dodge the blocks, collect coins, and reach your high score. Dodge Block is still being developed with a new version coming out soon.

City Analysis Project

While I was taking my Computational Reasoning class, I wanted to apply what I learned to a personal project. In this class we learned Python, Pandas, NumPy, and Seaborn to analyze, manage, and visualize data. For this project I used the US Bureau Labor Statistics API, the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program CSV, and the U.S. Census Bureau Population Division CSV to analyze and visualize which city I’d move to after I graduate.

Market Analysis Project

As a part of my class, I had to create a report advising a group on what type of business to open, when to launch the business, the location to open, common services customers prefer, and the general sentiment of the particular type of business. I used SQL and Tableau to manage and visualize the data from Yelp’s database and creating a visual storyboard within Tableau.